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Belgian Lineage Home Page > The Preface > Adrianus Foret
> Egidius Foret > Joannes Foret
> Josephus Forret > Petrus Jacobus Forret > Amandus Forret > Rogier Forret
The Lineage of Rogier Forret Rogier Forret (b. Wingene, June 2, 1838 - d. Ruiselede Doomkerke, May 22, 1914)
Like it appears from the documents, the Forrets and their relatives were mostly small tenant farmers, weavers and spinners. They married late, had many children and died early. The infant mortality was also enormous. So much sorrow and so little luxury. The good old days! Rogier Forret lived on a little farmstead, land inward between 't Kaakske and the Hoogweg at Wingene. As the youngest of the family, he probably stayed there for a couple of years, after his marriage. His first two children, Charles and August, were born there. His next two children, Leonie and Pauline, were born in the farmstead at Doomkerke, where Rogier Forret inhabited since 1866 (At the moment of the investigation inhabited by the family Albert Vanwanseele-Meuleman). In 1874, Rogier must have moved to the small villa next to the castle "The Roo" at Doomkerke, because Sabina, Alfons and Henri were born there. From that moment on, he was the gamekeeper of the castle estate. To support his family he kept some small animals and grew vegetables. The Flemish Text:
Rogier Forret woonde op een hofstedeke landinwaarts tussen 't Raakske en de Hoogweg te Wingene. Als jongste van het gezin is hij er waarschijnlijk na zijn huwelijk een paar jaren blijven wonen. Daar werden zijn eerste 2 kinderen geboren: Charles en August. De 2 volgende (Leonie, Pauline) zijn geboren op de huidige hofstede Albert Vanwanseele-Meuleman te Doomkerke, vanaf 1866 bewoond door Rogier Forret. In 1874 moet Rogier verhuisd zijn naar de kleine villa naast het Kasteel de Roo op Doomkerke want daar werden Sabina, Alfons en Henri geboren. Hier was Rogier nog kleingebruiker en tevens jachtopziener. |
Last Modified: 24-August-2000
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